Celebrate World Organizing Day with a Twist: Embrace Sustainable Organizing with your Kiddos!
Happy World Organizing Day! Today isn't just a day for neat freaks and clutter busters; it’s a day for all of us to eco-consciously transform our spaces. This year, I'm diving into how to organize sustainably with the kiddos in your life. I can't think of a more important reason to show and share our future generation about how to preserve our planet AND develop the lifelong skill of organizing. Whether you're knee-deep in toys or buried under piles of tiny clothes, I've got some fun, practical tips to turn your organizing day into an eco-friendly family adventure.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Your First Kiddos Sustainable Organizing Project
1. Start with a Game Plan
Discuss the importance of organizing and how it can be environmentally friendly.
Target an area to organize, such as their bedrooms, play zone or the family room.
Set up 4 boxes or bags with a sign above each: donate, recycle, sell and discard.
2. Declutter Responsibly
Teach your kids to make decisions about what to keep based on what they actually use and love.
Separate items to donate, sell, recycle, or discard.
Donate gently used items; teaching kids to let go is a very valuable life skill.
Involve your kids in choosing where you donate toys, books and clothes.
Too Many Toys or Stuffies?
Make it a game: go through the items in pairs asking ...
"Do they want to keep this one or that one? Which one is your favourite?"
Have fun with it and remind them the item will be donated to a child who will love it and maybe less fortunate.
Best to put the unchosen toy into donation box discreetly to keep the fun moving forward.
By the end you will have reduced this inventory by 50%!
3. Choose Sustainable Organizing Tools
Use what you have - Shoe boxes, ice cream tubs or jars can be decorated and used for storing small toys, art supplies or accessories.
if absolutely needed, buy sustainably made products like bamboo, recycled plastic or fabric baskets
4. Make It a Learning Opportunity
As you organize, explain why it’s important to think about where things end up. Discuss the impact of waste on the environment and how recycling and donating help.
Create fun labels for bins and shelves using pictures for younger kids. This helps kids know where things go and makes it easier to participate in keeping their space organized.
5. Turn Crafts into Organizational Solutions
Turn organizing into a craft project. Decorate boxes and create dividers for drawers.
Teach them about upcycling by transforming old t-shirts into tote bags for toys or turning old picture frames into chic diplays for their artwork.
6. Maintain the Momentum
Establish a routine where organizing becomes a regular activity.
Consider setting up a rewards system for keeping their areas tidy.
7. Celebrate Your Success
At the end of World Organizing Day, celebrate what you’ve accomplished with a sustainable treat, like a homemade snack or a nature walk.
By involving your kids in eco-friendly organizing, you're not only cleaning up your space but also instilling valuable life lessons about sustainability and the importance of taking care of our environment.
Happy World Organizing Day!
If you like this blog check out 100 Things or connect with me if you need you help reducing your stuff and getting organized sustainability.